The Last of August (Charlotte Holmes #2)
Author: Brittany Cavallaro
Publisher: Katherine Tegen
Publication Date: February 14, 2017
Pages: 317
Format: Hardcover/Own

Watson and Holmes: A match made in disaster.

Jamie Watson and Charlotte Holmes are looking for a winter-break reprieve after a fall semester that almost got them killed. But Charlotte isn’t the only Holmes with secrets, and the mood at her family’s Sussex estate is palpably tense. On top of everything else, Holmes and Watson could be becoming morethan friends—but still, the darkness in Charlotte’s past is a wall between them.

A distraction arises soon enough, because Charlotte’s beloved uncle Leander goes missing from the estate—after being oddly private about his latest assignment in a German art forgery ring. The game is afoot once again, and Charlotte is single-minded in her pursuit.

Their first stop? Berlin. Their first contact? August Moriarty (formerly Charlotte’s obsession, currently believed by most to be dead), whose powerful family has been ripping off famous paintings for the last hundred years. But as they follow the gritty underground scene in Berlin to glittering art houses in Prague, Holmes and Watson begin to realize that this is a much more complicated case than a disappearance. Much more dangerous, too.

What they learn might change everything they know about their families, themselves, and each other.

Review: I loved this one just as much as I loved A Study In Charlotte. These really are such fun Sherlock type reads and so enjoyable. I also loved that the majority of this book took place in Berlin (Germany). I really enjoy when we visit different places in books. This book definitely had a bit of a different tone with Charlotte's family being so involved in most of it and the fact August is a main character in this. Also, you find out the title makes sense in more than one way and that's pretty cool too. 

You really see Jamie try and come into himself as a Watson in this book. He is not content just being the sidekick that's looked at as useless and solely dependent on Charlotte's smarts and ideas. He goes out on his own try to and find things to help their cases. He adds his own ideas. He's able to piece more things together than he did in the first book. He's definitely getting there. And unlike Charlotte, who hates having to use her families help unless its absolutely needed, Watson has no problem asking his dad for his input or help or to send over stuff that might help. I really loved that Jamie and his dad are continuing their fixed relationship. That was so pleasant to see. I also thought things were interesting because we got to see Jamie's dad's relationship with Leander Holmes. So the previous generation of Holmes and Watson. That was pretty cool. 

Charlotte had a lot going on. She was around her family, and that in itself was a huge strain on things. Then her mother gets poisoned and her uncle goes missing. She had a lot to deal with case wise. And the whole time she was sure the Moriarty's were behind it yet people like her brother kept telling her differently. And on top of that, Charlotte is having a hard time dealing with her growing feelings for Jamie. She is absolutely not used to actually having feelings for someone, especially her best friend. So she's having a difficult time not letting anything go to far between them but yet wanting things to go further. And if that wasn't enough, she also has to deal with the fact she has to work with August, the person she used to love. Poor Charlotte is just all over in this book. I really felt bad for her with the amount of stuff she was having to deal with. 

August. I'm not really sure what to think of him. I didn't completely trust him. I mean clearly he was in contact with his family when he was supposed to be dead. But then he was still trying to side with Jamie and Charlotte and help them. Like I said, I'm not sure what to think because it seemed like he clearly had mixed loyalties. I'm also not sure what his intentions were regarding Charlotte. He hates her but yet doesn't hate her. But then he tries to get Jamie to go home because it's so dangerous even though duh, Jamie clearly knew that. What was his whole idea behind that besides trying to make it where Jamie wasn't involved. He was just such a mixed bag. 

The ending guys, the ending. Like what?!?! So it seemed like the whole going after the Moriarty's and their art forgery ring was actually the point of everything and not to find Charlotte's uncle because that was a whole different scheme. And then Charlotte's whole family just up and disappearing at the end and saying Charlotte has to clean up the mess they clearly just created. Like what?? WTF was that ending?!?! It seemed like Charlotte knew about some of the scheme going on but was then completely blindsided by the other. Like I'm still wrapping my head around that mind f*ck of an ending. Just wow. Definitely excited to read The Case for Jamie now!