As those of you who have been following me for at least the past year or so know, I've really struggled to find the motivation to want to keep blogging on Hope, Faith & Books. Not because I hate reading or anything, but because I've felt like since this blog was started solely as my book review blog that I have ended up stuck. I don't solely want to blog about books anymore as so much in my life has changed in the almost 10 years since I started blogging. And truthfully, I'm no longer happy with the name either. While it fit when I first started blogging, I don't feel like it fits now. So throughout 2020 while I was dealing with life and my depression, something in the back of my head all year was renaming/moving the blog so I could actually come back to the hobby I love and actually enjoy it again. While it's taken me most of the year, I finally settled on a name I love, that is still short and easy to remember, but also lets me blog about more than just books. You'll see why in just a minute with the name. This is a name I came up with in October. I let it sit for a good month and a half to see if I'd still love it after some time passed. And upon coming back to it I still really do love it. 

So let me introduce you to the new blog: 

So yes, I technically started a new blog. I didn't want to just up and changed this blogs name and leave people confused when they get here. You'll notice though it is just another blogger blog, not moved to wordpress or anything. I don't want to pay for a website right now. I have no issues with the free blogger service I use. Plus school comes first over things like a website so the money is needed elsewhere. But yeah, I wanted anyone that comes to the blog to still see a name they recognize and then see where it went instead of being confused. PLUS... Lets face it Hope, Faith & Books is almost 10 years old. I guarantee you at least, but probably more than half the people that follow me in various ways (GFC, email, etc) don't even blog anymore. This will now let me see how many people are actively following and still around. As I hope all of you that still actively receive my posts will come follow me over at Game, Read, Teach. I have all the same options as I had for Hope, Faith & Books so all you have to do is resubscribe over there in which ever way you were here. Nothing to complicated. This obviously only applies to people following me on GFC, email, etc. If you follow the social media accounts for my updates, those have already been changed to the new name and your still set! 

So the nitty gritty on the new blog.

Things that are the same:
  • Yes, I will still talk books, post reviews, etc. 
  • I will still host the dystopia reading challenge! In fact, the sign-ups just went live. So if you plan to participate, pop on over and sign up! And share so people see it's "new" home. 
  • All my previously posted reviews, discussions, etc have been imported to Game, Read, Teach. Obviously I've put a lot of time into the content on Hope, Faith & Books. Even though I technically have a new blog, I absolutely want my previous content over there as its still applicable. And eventually, Hope, Faith & Books will be removed. I just plan to give time for followers to see this post and move with me before removing HFB because I love all of you that have stuck with me and absolutely want you to come with me!

Things new or Different at Game, Read, Teach:
  • I feel like blogging again! 
  • I feel like I can blog about more than books. Like I said, obviously still will, but you all know I've wanted so bad to talk others things too. I'm so excited to share and chat these other subjects with you over there. Obviously other big topics you can expect come from my love of gaming and from the fact I'm working towards being a teacher! 
  • I made graphics. Guys. I made buttons and a header and little separators like I did for HFB posts. But they all match! And I'm loving them so much!! This is the first time I've had a header instead of just the name typed out and I'm freaking loving it. I smile so much every time I open GRT and see it. 
  • I'm finally feeling the freedom I've been wanting for the past year or so when it comes to my blog.
I'm incredibly excited guys! 
Make sure to come by and resubscribe (if needed)!
We are going to have a great time on my new blogging journey and I truly hope you'll enjoy the new types of content you'll see from me as well as the bookish content you've enjoyed in the past!