Annexed (The Refuge #1)
Author: Rebecca McKinnon
Publisher: Self Published
Publication Date: June 28, 2011
Pages: 239
Source: Ebook from Author

Friends or family? Desire or responsibility? She thought she'd made her choice. Now, finding herself trapped in a world splintered from her own, Narissa is determined to return home. Learning that the means of crossing between realities has been lost, she vows to find the elusive gateway. Narissa doesn't plan to make friends. She certainly doesn't intend to fall in love. Faced with the decision, will she choose the life she wants, or return to the world where she belongs?

Review: I really enjoyed this book! It was nothing like I thought it would be, it was better! So lets start off with The Refuge. The Refuge is like... I don't know how to describe it, like an alternate dimension. They have their own place, and when they need more space they Annex it, but only things with a certain venom in their DNA are annexed with the land. Which made it really odd that Narissa somehow ended up being annexed. Anyways, back to The Refuge. In The Refuge, there is no religions, nothing that could cause wars (which is a really smart idea if you think about it). Also, things are much more simpler there. Only the council has cell phones and full access to computers. The public has limited access to computers. Which even though I absolutely love my technology, sounds really nice. Not having to keep up with always changing technology and whatnot. The council is who makes the decisions for The Refuge. They claim to be a Democracy but the way we would see it is more of a Dictatorship, but not completely. Like in some ways it is, some ways it isnt. 

Narissa! At first she was dead set on getting out of The Refuge and back home. Which is completely understandable seeing as her sister was left with what everyone would agree with as an unfit mom. But as she started working with Daman and making friends she gets torn. She wants to find a way back to her sister but at the same time she wants to stay and be with the person she's falling in love with. On the topic of Daman, he was not friendly much before Narissa showed up. As they got closer she changed him, not on purpose either. He just started being nicer to everyone as he and Narissa got closer. That is a good change. People have had that effect on me before and it was for the better too so I totally loved that. Decisions like that suck so much! I completely understood why she was torn between the two choices. Especially when she found a way back home, she made a really hard choice leaving. But OMG!!!! Whose hand was on her shoulder at the end after she got home?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I have my suspicions, I hope their right!

4 Stars!