The Secret Circle: The Captive Part II and The Power
Author: L.J. Smith
Publisher: Harper Teen
Publication Date: January 1, 2009
Pages: 390
Source: Paperback/Own

Caught in the struggle between good and evil . . .

Cassie has joined the most alluring—and deadly—in-crowd imaginable. But power comes with a price, and it's more dangerous than she knows. Torn between the dueling desires of the two leaders of the Secret Circle, she must ultimately choose between saving all of New Salem, and her own dangerous love for the bewitching Adam, which threatens to tear the circle apart. In the ultimate battle between good and evil, will Cassie's supernatural powers be strong enough to lead the coven out of danger? Or will she fall prey to the dark forces within?
. . . will she sacrifice her love for the circle to survive?

Review: I loved loved loved this book. It was such a satisfying ending to the series. I loved how the book jumped back into the story right where it left off in the previous book. I really liked how dedicated the coven was to finding out who the murderer was. There looking into Black John and how he could be involved was very interesting. There's so much you learn throughout the book about him. I was so happy at the end of The Captive Part II when Cassie stood up to Faye. In the beginning of The Power the truth about Cassie and Adam comes out along with all the other things Faye blackmailed Cassie into doing. Though Faye was shocked when it doesn't go her way. She hopes it will split up the coven but it doesn't, it bring the two people, who after the truth come out you would think would be at odds with each other, closer. And right before all this went down Cassie lost a family member. She moves in with Diana and tells her all about what her grandma told her about Black John and starts looking through her own families book of shadows. And during all this Black John comes back from the dead in a human body. A shocking secret is revealed about Cassie and Black John and the coven has to figure out a way to get rid of Black John for good.

Man, the ending chapters of the book were INTENSE!!!!!! I really liked how at the end of the book though all the members of the coven were friends, even better friends than they were when Cassie first joined them. I also liked how throughout the book Cassie, Nick, Diana and Adams characters grew more and you really got to know them each better. I also enjoyed all the Black John drama. You never realized before how much turmoil he caused. It was incredible learning about the parents of the coven members and the secrets they hid. Last but not least, I loved how the people that belonged together ended up together at the end. It was a great happy ending to counter all the evil and fighting in the rest of the book. This series is one of my new faves after reading it.

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